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Poly Reps

University Ambassadors

New Member Recruitment Committee


New Member Recruitment Committee This committee is responsible for filling the vacancies left by graduating Poly Reps. The Fall quarter consists of recruiting qualified applicants, Winter quarter includes interviewing applicants, and Spring quarter involves welcoming the New Members. To recruit and assess potential new members, the NMR committee conducts informational meetings, creates a recruitment theme, establishes selection criteria, creates all application and interview questions, and conducts all interviews. Once the new members are selected, the NMR committee helps all new members to become acquainted with Poly Reps by providing mentors to all new members.

Chair: Zane Pert - zpert@calpoly.edu 

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Important Dates

  • Becoming a Poly Reps

October 2024: Applications released
November 2024 (11:59 PM): Applications Due
Jan - Feb 2025: In-Person interviews


Poly Reps Quote

"Abe Lincoln once said 'Make sure your feet are in the right place, then stand firm.' Good advice Mr. Lincoln but it is way more challenging to walk backwards"   — Joey Halabrin, (Political Science '18, Poly Reps)